
Donor Hospital Clinical Indicators

Call within 1 hour of any patients of any age on mechanical ventilation or advanced life support (i.e. ECMO) that has met or is expected to meet any of the following:
  • An injury or illness causing a grave prognosis or a condition that is refractory to treatment or not rapidly reversible
  • An injury or illness not rapidly reversible, deeming the patient unlikely to survive
  • Any instability or other signs that the patient's condition is deteriorating, deeming the patient unlikely to survive
  • Loss of any brain stem reflexes not explained by medications or cranial nerve injury
  • GCS of 5 or less unless temporarily due to sedation, anesthesia or administered neuromuscular blockade
  • Initiation of hypothermia protocol in post-cardiac arrest patients and/or for ICP control
  • Anticipation of any palliative or end of life discussion when planning/scheduling an end-of-life discussion
  • Prior to any de-escalation of care or treatment, or initiation of DNR status prompted by a likely irreversible or medically futile condition
  • Any patient where consideration has been made to withdraw life support
  • Any mention of organ or tissue donation initiated by the patient or the patient's family
  • To maintain the option for tissue donation, call to report within 1 hour every cardiac time of death
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